Strategic Resource Group’s Success Record for Retail, Distributor, & CPG Litigation
We’ve Successfully Supported Major Brands, Organizations, Distributors, and Retailers Through Complex Litigation Cases. Our Litigators Are Ready to Expertly Guide You, Too.

Wisdom and Experience Built SRG's Distinguished Litigation Track Record
SRG professionals have extensive experience appearing before the FTC and counseling clients in antitrust cases. We’ve successfully, worked on M&A reviews, including comprehensive Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) analyses of historical and evolving competitive market-share concentrations and competitive entry.

Representation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) participants in Employee Retirement Income Security Acts (ERISA) class action against plan fiduciaries and others, which resulted in a significant settlement for the benefit of class members.
Represented Harvard University Real Estate Corp. in a very favorable outcome v. K-Mart.
Represented major food wholesalers in cases brought by over-extended retail chain.
Representing the NFL's New York Giants and New York Jets in litigation and the New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority v. the developers of the “American Dream” mall in New Jersey seeking to address development matters with the mall.

International arbitration tribunals (Paris and Dubai) settlement awarded to SRG client in a matter related to the international expansion of an iconic, worldwide department store chain.
Defense of Fortune 500 company against claims that its operation of a variety store violated restrictive covenants covering grocery stores, food stores, and supermarkets.

Representation of top retail chains in securities class actions, multi-district litigation, and adversary proceedings.
Favorable settlement for bankruptcy trustee for unsecured and secured creditors (several major food and beverage brand corporation vendors to labor unions) of major retail chains in claims against the private-equity firm owners as well as former directors and officers for fraudulent transfers, preferential transfers, and breach of fiduciary duties.
Re: Hostile tender offer and proxy contest: Supported a leading retail chain in connection with U.S. unsolicited M&A international acquisition proposals and related matters.

Provided expert analysis on a non-compete agreement between an iconic department store chain and a senior executive, as well as issues related to the custom nature of these agreements and implications if sensitive corporate information were used against a competing former employee.

Provided testimony to the Natural Resources Conservancy, National Preservation Trust, and the Conservation Law Council regarding a massive development proposed for Exit 4 in Randolph, VT. The developer requested preliminary findings from the Act 250 District Environmental Commission for a 1.1 million square foot, mixed-use development for the Exit 4 property.
The proposal faced considerable opposition over its impacts on prime agricultural soils, consistency with local and regional plans, and the aesthetic resources of the area. After four hearings before the Commission, the developer withdrew his proposal and started the discussion with conservation organizations with the Conservation Law Foundation, Vermont Natural Resources Council, Preservation Trust of Vermont, and National Preservation Trust. These discussions lead to the conservation and preservation of 150 acres of land.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Matters SRG Has Supported

Provided expert support on FTC matter re. Stop & Shop successful acquisition.
Provided expert support on FTC matter re. Ahold/Bi-Lo.
Provided expert support on FTC matter re. Tops Markets
Provided expert support on FTC matter for Ahold, et al. re. A&P, Pathmark, Grand Union, et al.