Market Insights & Research
Strategic Resource Group's insight, both quantitative and qualitative, is derived from our unparalleled database of retailer and wholesaler market share movement (region-specific, dating back to the 1970s).
It is further supported by our proprietary market share compression algorithms, geo-economic and Trading Area (TA), including both Primary Trading Area (PTA) and Secondary Trading Area (STA), analyses and competitive mapping capabilities, key industry resources and relationships, proprietary research tools, and business operations experience.
Our comprehensive methodology is process-driven, and offers our clients an unparalleled view of any Consumer or retail marketplace.
Consumer Surveys & Insights
Get answers from targeted Consumer constituencies in real time. Consumer surveys conducted across the U.S. and internationally.
Case Study: An international retailer with store operations in multiple countries was looking expand its Private Label store brand with the goal of optimizing product offering and category merchandising sets across its store base. Income levels varied and price sensitivity was high.
3,000 completed surveys collected in 18 hours
98% completion rate
2,868 emails collected
More than 90% of respondents were females and core customer targets between the ages of 25-54
The majority of respondents typically shop once a month, and were most concerned about a store’s quality of goods offered, not price (ranked 4th).
Respondents are very heavily influenced by promotion and purchasing behavior and are easily influenced through the retailer’s loyalty card promotion.
98% of respondents would buy more of the store’s private label brand if more products were offered.
Retail Trading Area Analysis
Historical market-share comparisons and analysis: SRG has "pre-Internet" data including unparalleled retailer databases of retailer and wholesaler market shares (region-specific) going back to before the 1970s.
One-year, five-year, and 10-year, 15-year, 20-year, and 25-year market share comparisons can help illustrate and explain the dynamics of retail and wholesaler bankruptcies, as well as expected future changes to a Trading Area (PTAs: Primary Trading Areas & STAs: Secondary Trading Areas).
Mapping & Demographical Analysis: Key analytics and insights by zip code, Primary Trading Area (PTA) and Secondary Trading Area (STA) to show population characteristics by region or geographic, as well as the market impact of new or exiting retail competition.
Retail market tours: SRG can lead you on a hosted tour of your market-of-choice to help you better understand the market’s nuances. These include competing retailer operations and store formats, dynamics of retailer-wholesaler relationships relative to a chain’s pricing and promotional programs, retailer-specific Private Label strategies, click-and-collect initiatives across the market, and best-in-class Consumer communication strategies.
Pricing & Merchandising Analysis
Analysis of retailer merchandising shelf sets and possible ways to enhance vendor funding to profitably drive in-store sales.
List of like-to-like SKU comparisons of categories and items to assess and quantify the differences between competing retailers’ pricing and promotional strategies across the country.
SRG’s pricing studies can help you understand true like-to-like differences in retailer pricing by directly comparing shelf prices and promoted (sale) prices.
Compare Private Label prices across competing retailer’s shelf sets.
Compare Private Label prices to name brands.​
Wages & Benefits Analysis
Understand what retailers are paying their part-time and full-time employees.
Hourly wages and frequency of pay raises.
Premium wage rates (overtime, weekend and holiday pay).
Paid Time Off.
Healthcare benefits.
Retirement and profit sharing.
Professional growth and development programs.
Employee discounts.
Promotions & Merchandising
SRG professionals have extensive experience analyzing merchandising opportunities as highly effective promotional strategies. Our offerings in this area include:
Competitive analyses
Promotional program effectiveness and opportunities
Promotional pricing analyses
Category, department and chain promotional assessments
Private label promotional opportunities
Promotional effectiveness by supplier and major brand
New category and new business promotional opportunities